FIND A DEAL. Free samples with any order and check out our Tues, Wed, and Thurs deals!
EVERY DAYReceive 2 FREE samples with any order! Go to this page to make your selections and add to cart.
TUESDAYSSave 3%-10% off all bulk bags of ingredients and gourmet mixes, 5 pounds or larger, when ordered on Tuesday. Discount amount varies weekly depending on order volume. Case sizes are excluded from this offer.Use Coupon Code: TUES2025
WEDNESDAYSSave 5% off spice jars, packets, pouches, and bulk bags of mixes and seasonings we make in-house when ordered on Wednesday. Combo deals are excluded from this offer.Use Coupon Code: WED2025
THURSDAYSSave 15% off all 1-pound bags and spice jars of ingredients when ordered on a Thursday. Combo deals are excluded from this offer.Use Coupon Code: THUR2025
Chili pepper powders are a convenient way to add heat and flavor to foods. The can be mild, smoky, fruity, and of course, fiery. From tame to insane, we've got your pepper fix in spice jars, by the pound, and in cases.